Europa is a multimedia art installation, incorporating objects, audio and olfactory elements.

Europa explores the alarming rise of coordinated right wing violence in an ever-increasing fortress Europe, as the borders of the European Community offers less and less refuge to economic or political refugees (from Eastern Europe Africa etc.,). Ethic minority communities in all member states of the EEC are under increasing threat of racial discrimination, deportation, or worse assaults and death at the hands of organised right-wing groups.

Europa documents these fatal attacks from the years 1989 to 1996 when European figures on racially motivated attacks first became available to the public. The installation records the names of victims, their country of origin, their age, place of death, and cause of death.

The installation contains 13 fox furs/stoles (one for each current member state of the European Community). Historically fox furs stoles were considered a symbol of high-class prosperity from mid-Victorian times until the use of animal skins was brought to light during the 1980’s by animal rights organizations, and the demand for fur decreased.

The fox stoles in the installation were purchased by the artist, in the Barras market, in the east end of Glasgow, Scotland in 1993. In Scotland fox stoles are also purchased by the owners of fighting dogs (American pit bull terriers etc.,). Unscrupulous owner of these breeds, take cats and small dogs from the streets, wrap them in the fox stoles, and throw them to the fighting dogs, so the dogs could get used to tearing flesh. Organised criminal gangs stage regular clandestine dog fights across Scotland, especially in major cities such as Edinburgh and Glasgow.

This barbaric practise, coupled with the historical treatment of the fox in Europe (carrier of rabies and other diseases, alongside the incorrect association of foxes with witchcraft and satanic worship) became the starting point for the Europa installation. The fox is a metaphor for the treatment of ethnic minority communities within the European Community. In this installation the fox is both a harbinger and emissary of the racially motivated attacks (they carry the body tags of the victims). The foxes fly towards an artist's impression of what a ‘fortress Europe ‘map might look like.

A commissioned audio soundtrack created by Sean Taylor and sound engineer Richard Creasey accompanies the installation.

Europa was exhibited at Gallerie Birgir Andresson, Reykjavik, Iceland in 1995 and the Ormeau Baths Gallery, Belfast, N.Ireland and Likovni Salon Celje, Slovenia in 1996.

Project slideshow

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